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“Bai Thach” of Danapha is known as a traditional kind of medicine, so which ingredients are included in “Bai Thach”? I take it with juice of Styliet Stigmata Maydis and Cyperusrotundus for diuretic purpose. Does this combination have an effect on the medicine?
Dear Ms Ngoc,
Thank you very much for submitting the question to Health Consulting Forum of Danapha and my feedback to your question as follows:
“Bai Thach” of Danapha is manufactured from Desmodiumstyracyfolium (Osb) Merr, Fabaceae and 9 different herbs with effects ofstone abrasion, stones discharging, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, in which:
- Desmodiumstyracyfolium (Osb) Merr, Fabaceae hasstone abrasive effect due to acidification of urine, which helps dissolve stones normally formed in the alkaline environment.
- Rhizoma Imperataecylindricae has diuretic effect
- Herba Adenosmatiscaerulei, Semen Arecae, RhizomaRhei have the effect of increasing bile.
- Radix Scutellariae, Rhizoma Curcumaelongae have antibiotics, anti-inflammatory effect.
- Radix Saussureaelappae, Cortex Magnoliaeofficinalis, FructusAurantiiimmaturus have analgesic effect.
You can take “BaiThach” with Styliet Stigmata Maydis and Cyperusrotundus without causing any impact on the medicines. However, this combination is not necessary because ingredients in “BaiThach” also have the same effects as Styliet Stigmata Maydis and Cyperusrotundus.
Wish you stay health
Best regards.

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