News / Danapha's Activities



       On the morning of July 23rd, 2022, at the Danang Administration Center, in the nationwide atmosphere to mark the 75th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day for remembering and paying tribute to heroes and martyrs who died for the independence and freedom of the Fatherland, The Traditional Association of the combined military and civil medicine board region 5 cooperated with Danapha Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company to solemnly hold the Ceremony to receive the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces during the resistance war against the US. This is a noble title awarded by the Party, State and people to recognize the particularly outstanding achievements of generations of officers, employees and soldiers of the combined military and civil medicine board region 5 in the war against the US.

Nearly 700 delegates and officers, employees and soldiers
of the combined military and civil medicine board region 5 attended the ceremony

       President Nguyen Xuan Phuc attended the ceremony and awarded The hero of the people’s armed force during the war against America for national salvation to the combined military and civil medicine board region 5. Attendees of the ceremony include: the head of ministries, branches, localities and Da Nang City; attending the ceremony were leaders of a number of ministries, committees, localities and Da Nang City; Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, Heroes of the People's Armed Forces and many generations of officers, employees, soldiers, doctors of the combined military and civil medicine board region 5

President Nguyen Xuan Phuc awarded the title to the combined military and civil medicine board region 5

       The victory of the resistance war against the US for national salvation of our country is one of the great epics in the history of national construction and defense of the Vietnamese people; is the glorious and heroic victory of the Vietnamese Revolution in the Ho Chi Minh era, affirming the will, strength and pride of the Vietnamese nation. In that victory, there was a contribution of life, intelligence and efforts of generations of officials, employees and soldiers under the units of the combined military and civil medicine board region 5 and the Central pharmacy factory of the Central region, codenamed K25 - The precursor of Danapha Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, is one of them.

The representatives of The combined military and civil medicine board region 5
 were honored to receive the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces

       During the great anti-imperialist and colonial period, there were thousands of examples of heroic doctors who fought, died or were injured, were captured, imprisoned, and brutally tortured by the enemy, but they always maintained the revolutionary spirit.
In early 1976, The combined military and civil medicine board region 5 was officially dissolved. Returning to everyday life, some people change careers, some continue to stick with the medical profession, become Distinguished Physician, People's Physician, professors, doctorates, leading experts, directors, etc. Nearly half a century since the country fell silent gunfire, the brave and sacrificed example of thousands of martyrs who are doctors and nurses of Region 5... have still remembered with all respect and mourning.
       At the ceremony, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc asked the Ministry of Health to assume, coordinate with localities and relevant units in researching and considering the investment, embellishment and upgrading of the Monuments of the combined military and civil medicine board region 5 so that this place will become a traditional destination of the revolution and the medical profession, contributing to the education of history and patriotism for the young generation in general and the young generation in medicine in particular.


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