Health Care / Health tips

Cholesterol control

Cholesterol is a substance that comes from food, and is also made in the body. There are two types of cholesterol: low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL). LDL is known as the unhealthy cholesterol as it can build up in artery walls, causing problems. HDL is known as the healthy cholesterol as it benefits the body.

Having high LDL levels, or low HDL levels, isn't good for your body, particularly your heart. The only way to find out about your cholesterol levels is to have them checked by a GP.
Got high cholesterol? Here are some top tips for getting your levels back on track:
·         Exercise every day. It's an effective way to boost healthy HDL levels.
·         Don't smoke, as it has been shown to significantly lower healthy HDL levels.
·         Go easy on saturated fats, including fatty meats and full-fat dairy foods.
·         Include foods that contain polyunsaturated fats such as fish, raw nuts and olive oil.
·         Stay away from trans fats, as they raise harmful LDL levels. Foods high in trans fats include baked goods such as pies, pastries, cakes, biscuits and buns.

1. If you are a health professional, this is a summarized medicine administration guide. Please check the instruction card for full details
2. If you are a consumer, please contact your doctor or pharmacist.